The secret to profitable property management lies in staff training

Property management requires a range of professional and ‘soft’ skills to be done well. Take a look at why training your team is essential. 

Property management is a tricky job because there are so many requirements. If you’re aiming to build a rent roll, your PMs need to be friendly and relatable, efficient, comfortable with technology, and good at problem solving.

Nobody shows up to a position with all these skills but if you want your team to excel and stay around for longer, it makes sense to offer training so they can develop the professional and ‘soft’ skills required to do the job well. 

The following training is recommended to support property managers so they can thrive in their roles.


PMs don’t sell houses but they need to convince investors of the value in establishing a long term relationship with your agency. The sales process requires them to put potential clients’ minds at ease and prove why your agency is the right choice. 

Sales is a skill; it takes empathy, the ability to listen and the ability to be persuasive. A few tweaks to your PMs’ mindsets and behaviours can make a big difference to the number of new clients they bring on board. 

People management

PMs ‘own’ the relationship between rental property owners and renters; who often never meet. 

The way they communicate and respond to clients is so important when it comes to long-term retention. It may feel as though the rules of good communication can go without saying but if you have clear standards in place your team will be able to deliver a more consistent experience. 

Problem resolution skills

Solving problems requires the ability to think critically and creatively, and to be able to negotiate. 

An outcome is ideal when everyone is reasonably happy. If your PMs are able to quickly reach a resolution all stakeholders are comfortable with, life will be much smoother for everyone. 

Training in problem solving allows PMs to objectively analyse and evaluate issues with less stress — and there are always problems to solve in property management.

Delegation and outsourcing

A single day or afternoon of outsourcing and delegation training can pay off by freeing up people’s time and taking unnecessary tasks off their plates. 

Training around setting priorities and managing overwhelm can fall into this basket as well. Modern-day to-do lists are infinite and it’s important to be able to recognise the difference between an urgent task and something which can either wait or be passed to someone else. 


There are so many apps and software platforms available to support PMs but they aren’t helpful unless you know how to use them. Set aside time when onboarding new staff members to ensure they can easily use the tools your business works with. 

Other training which may be beneficial is around social media; if your staff know how to create a post or video, they can quickly upload content which contributes to your online marketing goals. 

You may have a staff member who is already an expert at Tik Tok or Instagram; perhaps they can put together a session for the team.  


The best PMs become senior PMs and then transition to managing teams but leading others is a learned skill as well. It can be very daunting to suddenly find yourself in charge; training fills the gap between industry knowledge and being able to inspire, motivate and guide others.

Why train your staff?

Property management is not an entry level position but with current staff shortages all over the country, you don’t always have a choice. The problem with using unskilled staff or ‘reactionary’ managers is it can be false economy if they damage the reputation of your business. You’ll also end up with high turnover because people can’t cope with the pressure and responsibility when they don’t really know what they are doing. 

The good news is training can take place online as well as in person. You have the option to create video tutorials yourself (check out Loom or similar software, which allows you to record your screen and your voice at the same time), or to hire a regular trainer to upskill your team. There are plenty of ready-made courses which do not take too long to complete and are worth the investment. 

The real benefit of offering on-the-job training is showing your staff you care enough to invest in them. As well as giving you a smarter, more capable property management team, you’ll build loyalty.